Using Pulse, Edge Pulse and Report

In order to use CallGuide Pulse, Edge Pulse or CallGuide Report you must check the following.

Access areas

You must have access to the Organisation areas or/and Subareas you are to administrate and supervise. The area access is given via CallGuide Admin, User accounts window described in Create a new user account via CallGuide Admin and Manage passwords and see access roles Important and helpful hints about using Edge Pulse are seen in Best practice for Edge Pulse

Access functions

You also need an access role with rights to perform specific functions.

To use CallGuide Pulse or Edge Pulse you require these access functions:

  1. One of the applicable
  2. Execute service for x where x is the contact media you want to be able to supervise. To see queues and summaries for e.g. email, you require Execute service for incoming email, queue or Execute service for incoming email, waiting list in your access role.

To use CallGuide Report you require one of these access functions:

To log in to CallGuide Report the following also has to be done in CallGuide Admin,  in the CallGuide Report window, that you access via the User accounts window:

  1. Select Should be able to use CallGuide Report.
  2. Click on the Synchronize passwords button.


To fully understand the data presented via CallGuide Pulse, Edge Pulse and CallGuide Report, you need to study help topics covering terms and definitions of statistics concepts and statistics collections. The statistics are described in Statistics terms from A to Z, where each English term is also seen together with its Swedish and Finnish equivalent.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB